Canaries rarely sit on the ground in their cage or while exploring your home. This is a vulnerable place in the wild, making it easier for predators to access them […]
Why Has My Canary Stopped Flying?
A canary can lose the ability to fly, but this doesn’t happen naturally. Much like a human losing its ability to walk, a canary must sustain a disability to lose […]
Why Is My Canary Aggressive? [7 Causes of Aggression]
Aggression isn’t a conscious decision canaries make but a response to things beyond their control, such as factors that scare and threaten them, past trauma, or illness/disease. Canaries rarely bite, […]
Is It Normal for Canaries To Eat Their Own Poop? [Coprophagia]
You may be familiar with coprophagy in mammals like rabbits but not canaries. After all, canaries don’t produce cecotropes, so eating their poop seems unsanitary and unhealthy. Canaries only eat […]
How To Tell If A Canary Is Scared [7 Signs of Fear]
Canaries handle stress poorly. They’re easy to scare and may remain frightened long-term if the stressor isn’t removed from their environment and steps aren’t taken to calm them down. Unfortunately, […]
How To Tell If A Canary Likes You
Canaries aren’t as social as other birds, so they rarely show natural affection. During mating season, they bond with their mates, showing interest through feeding, singing, preening, and kissing. Outside […]
10 Common Signs of A Happy Canary [Sounds + Behaviors]
Happy canaries are extremely vocal and will sing, whistle, chirp, and chatter. They’ll remain active by grooming themselves, flying within their cage, flapping their wings, and wagging their tails. Their […]
7 Canary Sleeping Positions Explained
Canaries have strange sleeping habits that can be difficult to understand at times. Canaries often sleep in odd places, such as in their food bowls and at the bottom of […]
Are My Male And Female Canaries Fighting or Mating?
It’s possible to misread canaries’ behaviors, particularly if they seem unfriendly or aggressive. Although canaries are small and docile, they’re not social birds by nature. So, you may notice a […]