Seizures are a surprisingly common concern in canaries. While a seizure isn’t always fatal, especially the first time, you need to understand how to help the canary recover. Warning signs […]
11 Eye Problems in Canaries [Symptoms, Treatment + Prognosis]
A healthy canary will have bright, open, and black eyes with no signs of swelling or discoloration. Ocular care is an essential part of canary husbandry. All birds can experience […]
Why Is My Canary Not Drinking Water?
Water is essential for aiding digestion, keeping the metabolism functioning, and cooling the body during hot weather. Dehydration can have life-threatening consequences for canaries. Sometimes, not drinking water indicates an […]
Why Is My Canary Drinking So Much Water?
Canaries must drink water throughout the day to survive. Due to their small size and fast-paced metabolism, they need to drink proportionately more often than larger animals. So, most owners […]
Why Is My Canary Making A Clicking Sound?
Canaries are known for their beautiful songs and chirping. So, it can confuse owners when their canaries make a strange clicking sound. This clicking noise may be a form of […]
Why Is My Canary Sneezing? [Runny Nose vs. No Discharge]
When a canary sneezes, it’s a way for the body to clear the airways and remove any accumulated dust or debris. These will be ‘dry sneezes’ and only happen occasionally. […]
Why Is My Canary Breathing Fast? [Gasping for Air]
Canaries have a respiratory system that allows oxygen in and lets carbon dioxide out — all in one breath. This is called unidirectional airflow. They have muscles that push the […]
Why Is My Canary Shivering? [5 Reasons Canaries Shake]
If you find your canary shivering, you may be alarmed that it’s sick or convulsing. However, shivering can have benign reasons, so canaries shiver or shake as they preen and […]
What To Do If A Canary Is Choking (in 7 Easy-To-Follow Steps)
If your canary chokes or makes a gagging sound that might be choking, it’s natural to be concerned. After all, you can’t perform the Heimlich maneuver on a bird. Also, […]