Canaries are popular pets due to their happy nature, small size, and beautiful appearance. These feisty little birds thrive when kept alone, which isn’t common in birds. Understanding a canary’s […]
Can Canaries Lay Eggs Without Mating? [No Male Present]
Canaries kept as pets aren’t usually intended for breeding. Regardless, sexually mature female birds can lay eggs. So, you may be shocked to discover that your canary has laid eggs […]
Why Is My Canary Standing on One Leg? (Unipedal Stance)
Although canaries excel as singers, they’re similar to other birds in terms of other behaviors. One of the most common behaviors is a unipedal (one-legged) stance on a perch. Tucking […]
Is It Better To Have One or Two Canaries?
While socialization is vital for humans, the same isn’t so for canaries. Unlike most birds, canaries dislike company and are unlikely to make friends with a second canary. Canaries are […]
Why Do Canaries Sing So Much?
Canaries are popular songbirds known for their beautiful singing. Something that often surprises first-time owners is how much canaries sing. Canaries sing more than usual when bored or happy, trying […]